Ron tate Spencerian DVD

Ron Tate has been teaching classes in private schools, colleges and giving individual instruction since 1983. If you would like to learn Spencerian , also called Ornamental, roundhand a.k.a., we can help you. He has a 2 volume set of DVD’s on how to learn or improve your Copperplate or Spencerian. These DVD’s include step by step instructions starting with how to hold your pen and how to sit at your desk and thoroughly discusses how to do each lower case and capital letter. Included are on-line resources and more. The fifteen chapters include: demonstrations of each letter, hand positions and correct posture, practice exercises, writing angles and letter sizes, samples of master penmen scrapbooks, the Madarasz book, old copy books, oblique holders and points, list of resources, practical tips for envelopes, pen flourishes, and quick references for each upper and lowercase letter. Running time: 1hr. 27min.


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